Posted by: hyacinthus | September 15, 2007

Do you still remember your first love?

No. I am not saying cycling is my first love. I can’t even cycle. Though, someone has tried to teach me how and failed badly.

Cycling was Paul’s favourite sports as much as I can remember. Then, I was only 16 – at an age where everything seemed so sweet and so perfect. There was one evening he cycled from Spottiswoode Park to lend me some books. I dislike reading much and he encouraged me to try reading Jeffrey Archer books, for a start. I was so afraid my parents would see him and told him to wait outside the condo.

There he was on his racer under the streetlight. He looked really charming that evening.

We weren’t made for each other. He’s confident and smart while I was extremely shy and average then.

2 years later, he was on overseas scholarship and we stopped corresponding.

I am not sure where he is now. Still in States? Married? Have kids? Still love cycling on a racer?

One thing I am sure is he will do his best once he sets his mind on something.

Till now, I still like my man to be confident, smart and have a focus in his life.

Do you still remember your first love?

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