Posted by: hyacinthus | September 2, 2011

Yummy Sandwich Bread :)

I love freshly baked sandwich bread especially those with crispy crust and soft interior. Just like the one I baked today 🙂

Here’re the ingredients and method for a 20×11.5×11.5cm loaf tin (Loaf tin, which can be bought at Phoon Huat in Singapore, must have a lid. Otherwise, you can’t get a squarish loaf.)

1 day before: Overnight Sponge Dough

Mix 30g water (about 28°C) and ¼tsp instant yeast till well blended. Add to 50g bread flour in a mixing bowl and knead to form a dough. Wrap the mixing bowl with cling wrap and let it rest for 40min at room temperature (about 28°C) before leaving it in the fridge overnight or up to 48 hours.

sandwich bread recipe

On the day itself: Making the dough for sandwich bread

Size of the overnight sponge dough the next day.

sandwich bread recipe

Mix these dry ingredients together.

275g bread flour, 40g sugar, 3g salt, 10g milk powder and 5g instant yeast.

sandwich bread recipe

Add overnight sponge dough, 1/2 of a cold egg and 135g cold water to the dry ingredients. Mix it till a wet sticky dough is formed. Add 35g soft butter to the dough and start kneading either manually (about 45min till it’s not wet / sticky and the dough is smooth and stretchable) or using a standmixer with a dough hook.

Cover it with cling wrap and proof for 50min at room temperature.

sandwich bread recipe

After 50min, it should have grown bigger like this.

sandwich bread recipe

Punch the dough and divide it into 3 equal portions. Roll each portion flat, roll it up like a swiss roll and place the three rolled up “swiss rolls” in a greased loaf tin like this.

sandwich bread recipe

Let them rest in the tin till they fill up 80% of the loaf tin. Then, cover the tin with its lid.

Preheat oven at 200°C. Bake it for 35mins at 200°C. Remove from tin immediately when 35min is up.

You should get something like this. Crusty soft bread!

sandwich bread recipe

sandwich bread recipe

sandwich bread recipe

sandwich bread recipe

Enjoy! 🙂

* Note. If you can’t finish the bread on the day of baking itself, keep the rest (in an air-tight container to prevent loss of moisture) in the fridge. Heat it up in oven before consumption.


  1. […] days ago, I’ve made sandwich bread using instant yeast with success. Today, I made a sandwich bread using naturally cultured yeast at home […]

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